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Ethmoidal labyrinth: an anatomical and computed tomographic study =
Alex uni F.O.Medicine,
Khanfour, Ayman Ahmed Mohamed .
Anatomy .
تاريخ النشر
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112p. :
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Cataract surgery techniques have improved dramatically in the past decade. The availability of foldable IOLs and new-generation instrumentation have led to significant refinements in small-incision surgery and improved out-comes. Although the safety of cataract surgery continues to improve, a physiologic postoperative inflammatory reaction occurs after each small incision cataract surgery. This inflammation is related to such factors as the surgical technique, steroidal and NSAID and biomaterial of IOL. This postoperative inflammation may cause sight threatening complications as posterior capsule fibrosis, CME or keratopathy. This study evaluated disturbance in blood-ocular barriers by fluorescein angiography after phacoemulsification and implantation of JPMMA or acrylic foldable IOL. This study was performed on thirty eyes of twenty nine patients of j cataract. The studied sample was divided into two groups, the first group I included 15 eyes which were subjected to planned phacoemulsification 1 with implantation of acrylic foldable IOL in-the-bag. The second group : included 15 eyes which were subjected to phacoemulsification with implantation of PMMA IOL in-the-bag.