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Study on Some Physical Properties of Organic Semiconductors /
Riad, Adel Saber.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Adel Saber Riad
مشرف / Kamal Abdel-Hady
مشرف / A. Abdel Aziz
مشرف / Tharwat Guirquis
Organic semiconductors.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
84 P. :
الفيزياء وعلم الفلك
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية العلوم - Department of Physics
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Single crystals of B-nickel phthalocy anine have been prepared using sublimation technique.
Measurments of temerature dependence of ohmic and space-charge-limited currents flowing in the C*- direction of the prepared crystals, in both vacuum and oxygen ambients, have been carried out. Effect of crystal thickness has been also dealt with. The obtained results enabled the deduction of both depth and concentration of localized levels in this molecular solid. In vacuum, traps with adensity of ≈ 2x10 cnֿ³ located at 0.39 ev below the conduction band have been obsarved. Associated with this level are donor sites, with adensity of ≈ 7x10¹¹ cmֿ³. In oxtgen, the trapping sites have been found to be located at 0.78 ev below the conduction band, with a state density of ≈ 5x10¹ cmֿ³. The bulk currentin the prepared nickel phthalocy anine crystals was found to exhibit ohmic behaviour up to fields of ≈ 9x10³ vcmֿ¹ and square law dependence on voltage beyound this value. Thickness- bependence measurments proved that the trapping sites are located at discrete energy levels. The trapping sites are located at discrete energy levels. The thermal band gap was calculated and found to be 1.71 ev.
The obtained on the results are analysed and discussed on the basis of the solid stste theories. Comparing with the previously reported data is also given.