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Studies On Some Cotton Diseases /
Hanaa Ayad haleem Armanious,
Armanious,Hanaa Ayad haleem
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hanaa Ayad haleem Armanious
مشرف / Marzouk R.Abdel-latif
مشرف / Anwar A.Gala
cotton cotton Diseases plant plant organs fungi cotton cotton - Diseases plant
تاريخ النشر
2000 .
عدد الصفحات
107 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الزراعة - Plant Pathology
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 137

from 137


The obtained experimental results throughout this study could be summarized as follow:
- Various destributions of cotton root diseasese, i.e. damping off, root rot and wilt, along Minia districts were experienced. Since the highest percentage (22%)of demped off cotton plants ,Gossypium barbadense L.,
cv. Giza 80 was recorded in Samalout while the least incidence (10%) was
obtained in Matay region. Root rotted plants showed the highest (10%) incidence under Minia and Matay regions while the regions of Benimazar, Mallawi and Samalout revealed the least incidence (5%). The wilted plants was the highest (8%) in Beni-mazar and lowest (3%) in Mallawi.
-fusarium species namely F. moniliforme ,sheldon (W&R,B,J)F. oxysporum,schlectend ,Fr.F.Sp.vasinfectume(Atk.)W.C.snyder&H.N.Hans .F.semitectum Berk.&Rav.( W&R,B,J)and F.solani (Mart.)appel&Wollenw. Emend.snyd.& Hans .(S&H,M&C)were the most frequently among the fungi implicated with cotton damping off ,root rot or wilt diseases. F. solani (Mart.) Appel &Wollenw. emend. Snyd.& Hans.(S&H,M&C) was the highest frequently in either damping off or root rotted cotton plants while F. oxysporum Schlectend, Fr. F. Sp. vasinfectum (Atk.) W.C. Snyder& I-I.N. Hans. showed the least frequency.
By contrast, the highest frequency for F. oxysporum Schlectend, Fr. F. Sp.
vasinfectum (Atk.) W.C. Snyder& H.N. Hans. was obtained from the wilted plants.