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Role of anti-oxidant vitamins a and c in toxicity prevention in some vital orcans of albino rat /
Yousef, Mohamed Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / mohamed mahmoud yousef
مشرف / abdel azimassem ahmed
مناقش / mohamed magdi zaki
مناقش / abdel azimassem ahmed
Histology and cytology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
232p. :
علم الأنسجة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - الانسجة والخلايا
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 243


The present study was conducted on 80 male n .ts to probe
the effect of vitamins A and C, solely and in com iination, on
the recovery of artificially-toxified liver and on b me marrow
Animals were divided into five groups as follows :-
Group I (control group)
Formed of 10 rats. Each animal was given only 0.5 ml of
distilled water every day by an oral tube.
Group II (positive control group)
Formed of 10 rats. Each animal was given a weekly oral dose
of CC4 after 2 weeks from the start of the experi ment for 8
Group III (Vitamin A experimental group) •
Formed of 20 rats and divided into two subgroups each
containing 10 rats:
- Subgroup (a): Each animal was given daily orall dose of
vitamin A for 2 weeks then CCI4 for 8 weeks.
- Subgroup (b): Each animal was given daily oral dose of
vitamin A for It.weeks while CCl4 was given for 8 weeks
starting 2 weeks after the initial dose of vitamin A.
Group IV (Vitamin C experimental group) :
Formed of 20 rats and divided into two subgro ’fps
containing 10 rats:
_Subgroup (a): Each animal was given daily 0
vitamin C for 2 weeks then CCl4 for 8 weeks.
_Subgroup (b): Each animal was given daily or
vitamin C for Itweeks while CC4 was given f !r
starting 2 weeks after the initial dose of vitamin C.
dose of
dose of
8 weeks
Group V (Vitamin A&C experimental grou )
Formed of 20 rats and divided into two sub oups each
containing 10 rats:
_Subgroup (a): Each animal was given daily 0 I dose of
vitamin A and C for 2 weeks then CCl4 for 8 wee
_Subgroup (b): Each animal was given daily or I dose of
vitamin A and C for Itl weeks while CCl4 was given for
8 weeks starting 2 weeks after the initial doses of .tamins.
* Liver and bone marrow samples were taken 2,4 5,8 and 10
weeks after the initial dose of CC4 (the last s mple was
considered as a withdrawal sample taken 2 leeks after
stoppage of CCI4).
* from the liver samples, histological sections we l prepared
pd Conclusion
for light and EM study and from the bone marro samples,
chromosomal assay and transformed cell study were performed,
The results of the present study revealed the fo lowing:
1- Vitamin C had an evident role in preventi g the signs
of toxicity on hepatocytes and hepatic lob les while
vitamin A had a drastic effect on such to .icity to the
level that it inhibited the antioxidant role of vitamin C
when combined.
2- Neither vitamin A nor vitamin C had shown increase in
chromosomal abnormalities when used s I.ely or in
combination and the chromosomal abnormaliti s remained
within normal range.
3- Relative to positive control group both vitami 1S A and C
significantly increased the percentage of the ransformed
lymphocytes (P < 0.01) while combined vi in A and C
showed highly significant increase in ransformed
lymphocytes (P < 0.005).
4- Pretreatment with either vitamin A or vitami C solely or
combined showed no prophylactic effect 11 the liver
toxicity, chromosomal abnormalities or the p rcentage of
the transformed lymphocytes.