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Nanotechnology Research Center/
Hatem Fikry Farag Salem,
Salem, Hatem Fikry Farag.
Architectural Nanotechnology.
تاريخ النشر
2010 .
عدد الصفحات
90 P.:
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology promise to have major implications for health, wealth, and peace in the upcoming decades. Knowledge in this field is growing worldwide, leading to fundamental scientific advances. Governments around the world are constantly striving to establish and maintain an advantage in new and rapidly emerging technologies. This competitive quest for technological preeminence requires the construction of world-class nanoscale research buildings, the education and training of next-generation students, and the creation of a knowledge base that will fuel economic development for the next 50 years.
This research Highlight the technical requirements and design features that emerge in the design of nanoscale research buildings and cleanrooms supporting nanoscale science and technology. The research is divided into three parts; starting in chapter one by defining nanotechnology and looking at some scientific terms and basic concepts. In chapter 2 we present the strategy and design elements required in constructing buildings to support nanotechnology research. Finally chapter 3 provides two notable projects of nanotechnology centers.
1. Nano, Greek for ”dwarf,” means one billionth. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, and dimensions between approximately I and 100 nm are known as the nanoscale. Nanotechnology concerned with controlling the properties of materials by working on the scale of a few nanometres, or the size of a few atoms., on nanometer scale, materials or structures may possess new physical properties or exhibit new physical phenomena. These new physical properties or phenomena will not only satisfy everlasting human curiosity, but also promise new advancement in technology. The most important aspect of nanotechnology is that it is a ’bottom up’ technology. This means that instead of taking our usual ’top down’ approach, we work in a way that is closer to the method nature uses for creating materials. [n conjunction with the advent of nanotechnology, there was the need for new and innovative measurement techniques that provide a reliable metric at the nanoscale. So we offer the most important methods of operation and application of tools instruments used in nanotechnology, to identify the most important techniques used in nanotechnology research centers and absorb the impact of the surrounding environment, which will be the main factor in determining the technical requirements in the design of buildings and laboratories supporting nanotechnology field.
2. Designing buildings to house nanotechnology research presents a multitude of well¬recognized challenges to architectural and engineering design teams, from environmental control to spatial arrangements to operational functionality. New buildings focused on the practice of nanotechnology reflect a pressing need to develop advanced techniques to enable reliable work at the nanoscale. These needs include high levels of accuracy in temperature and humidity control, vibration and acoustic isolation, air cleanliness and quality of electric power. This chapter addresses the state of emerging guidelines and recommended practices and discusses the array of technical and human criteria that emerge in the design of laboratories and cleanrooms supporting nanoscale science and technology.