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recent nephron sparing techniques in treatment of renal cancer /
Ahmed, Mohammed Atef.
kidny - surgery. tumors - surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
130 p. :
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Kidney cancer, of which renal cell cancer CRCC) is the most common form, accounts for just under 2% of newly diagnosed malignancies worldwide. When detected early, surgery is the most
efficacious treatment for patients with nonmetastatic, localized RCC, but
for patients with large tumours, regional lymph node involvement, or
inferior vena cava (lYC) tumour thrombus, complete tumour resection
can be challenging and surgical resection alone is often insufficient to prevent disease recurrence. For patients who experience recurrence or
develop metastatic disease, treatment options are limited and the
prognosis is extremely poor.
With improvements ini nstrumentation and surgeon expenence, laparoscopic renal surgeryh as emergeda sane quallye fficacious and minimally morbid surgical alternative to open radical nephrectomy for selected kidney tumors. Data from basic science and clinical trials supports renal cryoablation as a safe and effective method fort reatment of small renal tumors. Clinical studies document less peri- and post-operative morbidity than laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Laparoscopic renal cryoablation, though evolving, appears to be a reasonable alternative for the treatment of small renal tumors in selected patients. Meticulous long-term clinical and radiologic follow-up will be critical for determining local recurrence and cancer- free survival rates, to establish the ultimate role of renal cryoablation in the management of small renal tumors.