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Egyptian-Iranian Relations, 1945-1981 /
Gamal El Din, Basem Mohamed.
تاريخ النشر
2009 .
عدد الصفحات
1-6, 288, P 14. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Conclusion After reviewing the relations between Egypt and Iran during the period between 1945-1981, one can discern some characteristics that characterized them such as:The Egyptian- Iranian Relations were greatly influenced with their interests as well as their relations with the Superpowers of the World.There was a big similarity between the conditions of both countries after the end of the World War II. They were two important Middle Eastern kingdoms suffering from the British domination of their vital national sources like; ”Suez Canal and the Iranian oil industry”. Their interests were combined with the national struggle against the British imperialism in their countries which. deeply affected Britain’s position as a superpower.No doubt Britain was alarmed with the Egyptian Iranian rapprochement at that time. It tried to keep its interest on the two countries as possible by demolishing the power of the national leader Mossadeq in Iran by the assistance of the United States on the pretext of saving the throne of the Shah from Mossadeq’s danger. Perhaps, Britain also had a secret intervention to motivate the royal divorce between the young Shah of Iran and his first wife the Egyptian Princess Fawzia to infect the relations and rapprochement between the two countries. The Cold War left its impacts on the relations between Egypt and Iran during the time of Nasser.There were remarkable differences between the policy of Nasser and the Shah towards the two main superpowers of the world after the World War II, the USA and the USSR, the formation of Baghdad Pact that was the outcome of the American- Soviet competition left negative impact on the relations between Egypt and Iran. The issue of the Cold War had its impact on the competition between Egypt and Iran at that time. USA was the main supporter of Iran while Egypt was supported by the USSR which might have left some discords between them.One can see that relations between Egypt and Iran restored when the USSR began to lose its influence on Egypt in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War.Sadat followed a new policy toward the two superpowers. He restored his relations with USA which was one of the important factors for an Egyptian - Iranian rapprochement at this time. The Shah was one of the most important allies of the USA in the Middle East. In other words, there was a mutual interest in making strong relations with the USA at that time. It was necessary from the view of both Egypt and Iran that would serve the interests of the two countries.-The Arab-Israeli conflict and the relations with Israel participated in forming the relations between Egypt and Iran. Israel was and still an important issue in the relations between two countries. Israel was cons” ” " ~ " ” ”dered the main enemy of Egypt and Arabs at this time. Iran during the tune of the Shah was one of the first Islamic countries to recognize Israel and it had strong relations with it. brOne can see that the Iranian- Israeli collaboration affected the relations of Iran with Egypt especially during the time of Nasser. On the other hand, the Arab defeat in 1967 War by Israel destroyed Nasser’s high authority, Arab dignity and the Pan-Arab sentiment. The relations between Egypt and Iran were restored in the aftermath of this war and with the fading of the Pan-Arabism policy of Nasser that long threatened Iran’s interests. After the great victory of Egypt in October war, Sadat followed a new policy with Israel. He conducted peace initiative with Israel. As a result, Iran had some attempts to play the role of mediator between Egypt and both Israel and the United States. Thus Egypt and Iran came close together at that time. In a big contrast in the Iranian policy, after the Islamic revolution of Iran 1979, Iran changed its policy completely towards Israel which caused it to cut its relations with Egypt after the Egyptian- Israeli Peace Treaty. One can deduce that this issue was one of the strong factors which shaped the relations between Egypt and Iran during the different periods and until now. -Ideologies of the regimes of Egypt and Iran also were one of the factors ,:hic formed the relations between Egypt and Iran. During the monarchy time III Egypt and Iran, they had similar ideologies which participated in the rapprochement between the two countries at that time. brAfter the Revolution of 1952 in Egypt, The political ideologies of Egypt underwent a remarkable change which led to the deterioration of its relations with Iran especially with the increasing of the Pan-Arab ideologies of Nasser. On the other hand the Shah was completely taking the side of the west.