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Studies on Aerosols in Atmosphere of El-Minia /
Ali, Atef El-Wardany.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Atef El-Wardany Ali
مشرف / Abdel-Rahman A.Ahmed
مشرف / A.A.Ramadan
مشرف / R.A.Rizk
تاريخ النشر
1987 .
عدد الصفحات
75 p. :
الفيزياء وعلم الفلك
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية العلوم - physics
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Aerosols are fine particles suspended in the air. They have sizes which range from that of clusters of a few molecules to 100 urn and larger. They injected into the atmosphere from natural and anthropogenic sources.
elements in the atmosphere. Aerosol particles are transport d to Lh C’nnh sur(!Ic(’ (·~~s(·nti..1 ly by dry d(’position (l)recipiLati n tvening is rare in soulh Egypt).
In this work the aerosol concentration, its flux towards the earth surface and its chemical composition based on the ”trace elemments in deposited particles are studied.
Aerosol samples were taken on an ,lerosol filter Hith a mechaanical pump. Aerosol fall-out samples were col1ectl’-d i.n dishes conntain distilled water.
Aitken patticles were directly counted by an automatic nucleeus counter. An X-ray enery spectrometer was used to analyze . the el mental composj ti0n of the collect.d fllll-ouL sHmpl- a. All lrac~ elements with alomic numbers Z /”14 were d tected.
Aer”sol conCl’nlr.niun fluCllliltEd hplw(’.·n 1.2 mgm/m3 in Febraury
Aerosol particles flux to the earth in EL-Minia region fluctuat-
ed between 0.84 mgm Cm day- in February and 0.41 mgm Cm in
September, which depends also upon weather parameters: Average
aerosol flux was 0.58 mgm Cm. day
Concentration of Aitken particles which are the main size in the exhaust from car~; •... eLc, [Juctu<lled between 1.7 x 104 p<lrtiicles/Cm1 in the afternoon and 3.7 x 104 parlicles/em] at midday.
Minia region. The elements wi ttl Z( 14 can not be detected by
Flux of these trace elements are higher in tl1e city (urbBn site) than in the village (rural site) especially the elements Pb and Br, which indicated that these trace elements have anthropogenic origin as also natural sources.
The compound of some trace elements in EL-Minia region have been given by X-ray diffraction analysis such as Fe in FeC12, Ca in CaCl, Sr in Sr2Cl, Zn in ZnCI, Cu,in Cuel and Mn in MnCl, (soluuble matter) and Fe in FeSi04, Ca in C~COJ’ Sr in SrSi04, Cu in CuS04 and Zn in ZnCOJ ([nsoluLle matter).
The flux of the trace elements in EL-Minia region are generally smaller than that in the industrial sites in the world such as