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Compliance of Diabetic Patients with the Prescribed Clinical Regimen /
Atyia, Ayman Abdelrazek Abdelkhalek.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ayman Abdelrazek Abdelkhalek Atyia
مشرف / Rabie El Dousoky El Bahnasy
مشرف / Mahmoud El-Sayed Abu Salem
مشرف / Manal Ahmad Al-Batanony
Diabetes. Diabetic angiopathies.
تاريخ النشر
2013 .
عدد الصفحات
152 p. :
الصحة العامة والصحة البيئية والمهنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - Public Health and Community Medicine dep.
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 152


Optimal glucose control can be achieved through strict compliance with medications, diet, and life style modifications that in turn minimize long-term complications. Compliance with medication regimens is 104 essential for attaining maximal therapeutic benefits. The effectiveness of medications depends not only on the efficacy and appropriateness of the drugs used, but also on patient compliance to it. This study aimed at estimating the prevalence of drug compliance, its causes and its effect among diabetic patients attending primary health care and health insurance units in Gharbia governorate. The study was carried out on 339 diabetic patients from primary health care and health insurance units in Sammanoud district of Gharbia governorate where every patient was subjected to personal interview using pre-designed questionnaire to assess the personal history, detailed history of compliance, its causes and its effect. A urine and blood samples were collected from each patient to check HbA1c level, Random Blood Glucose level and urine glucose level. from this study it was clear that: 1- The prevalence of good compliance among diabetic patients was 23.9%. 2- Compliance is improving blood glucose level, 50.6% of all patients who have achieved blood glucose levels within the targets were from the good compliance group. 3- Compliance prevents or delays complications; prevalence of complications was higher among those with poor compliance. 4- The most common causes of non compliance were forgetfulness, cost of treatment, side effects of treatment and 105 other reasons like big number of drugs and long duration of treatment. 5- The compliance was affected by sociodemographic criteria of the patients; 42% of patients with good compliance were below 40 years, 84% of good compliance group has high or middle education and 93.8% of them had enough or more than enough income. 6- Compliance is affected by medical history of the patients; 67.9% of patients started diabetes treatment less than 5 years back, 82.7% of them were not having any other chronic diseases and 67.9 of them were taking only 1 drug for diabetes. 7- Cost is a barrier for compliance only 20% of patients with good compliance experienced problems with cost. 8- Compliance to diet and exercise recommendations is suboptimal only 24.4% and 20% of patients were complying with them respectively, while compliance with clinic visit was better reaching 62%. 9- Patient doctor relationship is important for achieving good compliance level. 10- Regular monitoring of blood glucose level is suboptimal, only 20% of patients are regularly monitoring their blood glucose level.