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Acomparative Study For Cucumber And Snake Cucumber /
El -laithy, Yousof talaat Emam A.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Yousof Talaat Emam A. EL-Laithy
مشرف / Mohamed EL-Moataz Billah
مشرف / Mohamed Abd EL-Rahem Abo-Baaker
مشرف / Ezzat EL-Tantawy EL-Kholy
Cucumbers. Life - Miscellanea.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
70 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الزراعة - Dep. of Horticulture (Vegetable Crops)
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 75


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It comprised a comparative stQdy of the productivity of ~nak cucumber and cucumber planted at two spacings in Summer and Fall seasons. The two spacings A
(1) Snake cucumber plant was longer and with more branches and leaves than cucumber plant. ’vvide spacing led to long plants and more brancnes and leaves of both crops.
(5) 3nake cucumber produced more number of fruits than cucumber. ~he close spacin5 led to increase of in frQit number particularly in snake cucumber.
(6) snake cucumber produced a higher marketable yield tnan cucumber particularly at the 30 Om. spacihg.
(7) Tile first grade fruits was not affected by spacing in snake cucumber, while it was more in the wide spaced cucumber.
(b) The snake cucumber fruit was relatively quicker in 6rowth than cucumber.
(9) The dry matter con~ent in both crops decreased till
12 days of age and then gradually increased. The dry matter content consistently increased with age in both crops.
(10) Carbohydrate concentration was somewhat higher in snake cucumber than cucumber. In both crops it inncreased successively with age identically to the content.
(11) Protein concentration in both crops successively deccrease witn age wails its content consistently increased witn advance of growth.
(12) AS a conclQsion to tnis work, snake CQcumber 1. recOmmended to replace cucumber in Fall season.
It also surpased cucumber in SummeD season. The
50 em. Is recommended for spacing of both crop.
and otner dense spacings have to be tried, e.g.
increased number of plants per hell on 30 Om. spacins.