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هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد خيرى ابراهيم
مشرف / صلاح سيف الدين
مشرف / محمد فتحى عبد الوهاب
مشرف / محمد على رفعت
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - طب المناطق الحارة
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This study was done on the various immune responses m enteric fever (early and
late stages) and in chronic salmonellosis complica­ ting Sch. haematohi urn and
late Sch. m ansoni, aiming to dissolve the problems of enteric fevers, their
complications, immunization and treatment.
The material of this study consisted of:
A. Control group:
Consisted of 20 normal healthy volunteers of different sex, with age ranged
from 18 to 36 years. They have negative history of enteric fever, bilharziasis,
viral hepatitis or TAB vaccination for the last 3 years. All showed negative
response for skin test against bilharzia] antigen, and negative HBs A g, all
showed no parasitic infection and they have negative or insignificant Widal
B. Patients groups:
Were divided Into 2 groups:
Group 1: Acute enterica:
This group was divided, according to the duration of illness, into two
Subgroup 1: Early stage of acute enterica:
Duration of illness before hospitalization was less than 10 days.
- It consists of 20 cases of different sex with age ranged from 7-50 years.
General condition: Bad.

Subgroup 2: C ate stage of acute enterica:
Duration of illness before hospitalization was more than 10 days.
It consists of 20 cases of different sex with age ranged from 10 to 26
General condition: Fairly good.

Group II: chronic salmonellosis:
This group was divided, according to the associated bilharziasis, into two subgroups:
Subgroup 1: chronic salmonellosis complicating Sch. haematob- iurn.
It consists of 10 patients, with different sex, with age ranged from 15-40
They passed Sch. haematobium ova in urine. General condition: Moderate.
Subgroup 2: chronic salmonellosis complicating Sch. mansoni.
It consists of 20 patients, with different sex, with age ranged from 15-35
- They passed Sch. mansoni ova in stool.
General condition: Bad.
Liver & spleen: Hugely enlarged.
The methods used in this study were: (1) Urine and stool examination.
(2) Blood culture for .!E· trphi & · paratyphi.
( 3) Urine and stool cui tures for S. 1YEh! and S. paratyphi.
(4} \Vidal agglutination test.
(5) Assessment of humoral response by estimation of the different immunoglobulins in
the sera (lgG, JgM & JgA).
(6) Assessment of cellular response:
a) DelaY:ed_skin test using PPD antigen, b) LMIT
c) E.rosette.

The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
(1) Widal test:
Was negative in 80% of normal control and in early enterica and was positive
in 80% to 90% in chronic salmonellosis and

in late enterica.
(2) Cultures:
a) Blood cultures: were almost positive in all enteric patients.
b) Urine cultures: were only positive in chronic salmonellosis
COfflplicating Sch. haematohlum.
c) Stool cultures: showed 25%, 45% and 35% positivity in early, late and
in chronic salmonellosis complicating late Sch. mansoni respectively.
(3) Immunoglobulins:
lgM was significantly elevated in all enteric groups (?<0.001), while lgA showed no
significant change (P>O.OS). lgG, on the other hand, showed no change (P>O.OS) in
early enterica and was highly elevated (P<O.OOl) in other different groups.
(4) Delayed skin test: Using PPD antigen
There is no statistical change in the percentage of positivity (P>0.05) in all
groups. The MDA showed no variation in all groups, except in chronic
salmonellosis complicating late Sch. mansoni, MDA was statistically decreased (P <
(5) LMIT
Percentage of positivity was statistically increased in all

--enteric- groups -versui- contror. -Mean-dlameter- oT!nhtbit!On wa:-s highly increased in
late enterica and in chronic salmonellosis compli- cating Sch. haematobium.
(6) I’.r. osette
E.rosette showed no change in early enterica and in chronic salmonellosis complicating Sch.
mansoni {!’>0.0.5), moderate increase (P<0.05) in chronic salmonellosis complicating
Sch. haematobium and marked elevation (P<O.OOl) in late enterica versus
control group.