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The Effect of an Individualized Teaching on Postoperative Outcome for Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery =
Khatab, Heba Elsayed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Heba Elsayed Mohamed Khatab
مشرف / Samia Mohamed Hafez
مشرف / Ibrahim Yehia Allam
مشرف / Nabila Ahmed Bedier
مناقش / Alaa Atef Ghaith
مناقش / Yousria Mohamed Salem
Medical Surgical Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 p. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Medical Surgical Nursing
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Cataract is one of the most common problems of eye which is an opacification of the normally clear transparent crystalline lens; it is the third leading cause of preventable blindness and the most common cause of self-declared visual disability in the United States. Cataracts are believed to be the cause of blindness in more than 15million people worldwide which is approximately 45% of all blindness; it may be expected to reach 40 million by the year 2025 in the absence of new or more efficiently delivered intervention.
Visual impairment results from cataract can severely limit a person’s ability to function independently and to perceive and react to his surroundings, so the surgical procedure is the main treatment for cataract. Each surgery has certain complications; therefore health teaching is beneficial to decrease postoperative complications.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of an individualized teaching on postoperative outcome for patient undergoing cataract surgery.
Material and methods:-
• Material:
The study was carried out in the Ophthalmology department of Alexandria Main University Hospital and was followed up in the Ophthalmology outpatient clinic .The subjects of this study are a convenient sample of 60 adult patients undergoing cataract surgery, and they were randomly assigned to two equal groups: the study group (I) (to be exposed to individualized teaching program) and the control group (II) (to be subjected to routine hospital care); each group includes thirty patients. Two tools have been used to determine the effect of individualized teaching on postoperative outcome for patient undergoing cataract surgery. Tool I: Cataract Patients’ Knowledge Structured Interview Schedule included two parts: part I: related to bio-sociodemographic and clinical data, Part II: related to knowledge about cataract surgery, risk factors, post operative complications, immediate post operative care and discharge instructions. Tool II: cataract surgery observational check list, included two parts: Part I: presence or absence of cataract complications and Part II: Snellen’s eye chart, used to measure visual acuity.