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Evaluation of the chromogenic
medium chromID CPS for Isolation &
Identification of Urinary Tract
Ahmed, Nehal Fathy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Nehal Fathy Ahmed
مشرف / Tahany Abdel Hameed Mohammad
مشرف / Kholood Wagdy Ziada
مناقش / Wael FawzyAbdelKader
Basic Medical Science.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p 148. :
علم المناعة والحساسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - الميكربيولوجيا
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Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes of hospital admissions and clinic visits globally, making urine, the most frequent sample received for culture. Only 20 to 30% of urine samples result in significant growth, a considerable amount of time is expended evaluating samples that do not have clinical utility. Therefore, any new medium or method with the ability to streamline urine culture processing in a meaningful way, such as reducing technologist workload, improving results, or reducing laboratory costs, would be welcomed and has the potential to have considerable laboratory impact.
In most of the clinical laboratories of the developing world, a combination of blood agar and MacConkey’s agar is traditionally used for urine culture. Although, use of Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) agar is a better option for the detection of uropathogens instead of combination of two media.
Currently a number of chromogenic media are available commercially for the detection of uropathogens such as CPS ID2 Agar, chromagar Orientation, Uriselect and Rainbow UTI.3 chromogenic UTI medium (CUM) (Oxoid, United Kingdom) is one of the recently marketed nonselective media which contains essential ingredients to support growth of all common bacterial uropathogens and also provides their presumptive identification. chromogenic media have been reported to be an acceptable alternative to traditional media for the isolation of urinary pathogens and facilitate improved sensitivity of identification of some microorganisms and may promote more uniform interpretation of urine culture plates by less experienced bench technologists. chromogenic media may also promote more rapid identification of the etiological agent(s) of infection and may provide clinicians with relevant information regarding their choice of empirical antimicrobial therapy for their patients. Consequently, this may decrease inappropriate use of antibacterial and antifungal agents.
Our study focused on evaluation of chromogenic media chrom ID CPS [bioMérieux, France] in comparison to traditional media such as blood, MacConkey and CLED agar for isolation and identification of common urinary tract pathogens.
Urine samples collected from inpatients from Ain Shams University Hospitals Mid stream urine sample or from catheter from patient suspected to have UTI and only samples with significant bacteruria included in our study.
E.coli was the most common causative organism (48.3%) followed by klebsiella (10.0%).
Results of this study showing that the initial visual screening of a chromogenic plate compared to conventional media is easier, faster and more reliable. Colored colonies also allow more accurate detection of mixed cultures which help to identify contaminated specimens, leading to reduced work load.
Regarding the sensitivity of CPS for detecting the main uropathogens our study revealed that sensitivity of CPS for E. coli was 100%, for KESC was 100%, for Proteae was 75% and for Enterococcus was 100%, Staphylococcus and streptococcus was 100% sensitivity for pseudomonas and candida spp was 0% as it gave non-specific colony colour for both.
Regarding the detection of polymicrobial growth on chromogenic media was 100% which is better than other traditional media 50% on CLED and 25% in MacConkey and Blood agar.
The result of this study showed that chrom ID CPS can replace the use of traditional media in clinical laboratory as primary isolation media for urine culture as it facilitates early reporting, saves time as well as cost.