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تأثير القيم الدينية على ثقافة العمل لدى الشباب :
حليمة, وسيم محمد راغب محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / وسيم محمد راغب محمد حليمة
مشرف / ثروت على الديب
مشرف / عزة مصطفى سلامة
مناقش / محمود عبدالحميد حسين
مناقش / عبدالسلام السيد عبدالله
القيم الأخلاقية. القيم الدينية. القيم الإسلامية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
268 ص. :
علم الاجتماع والعلوم السياسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم علم الإجتماع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 268

from 268


The current study contains seven chapters, the first chapter, a conceptual framework for the study, which contains important, and the goals of the study, and its questions, and the methodology of the study, and tools. The second chapter presents the most important Arab and foreign and domestic previous studies, then the display and analysis of previous studies in relation to the current study. The third chapter covers the concepts and theories of the study, where are presented the most important concepts of the study, the theoretical framework that walked on his approach researcher. Chapter four, entitled ”Crisis of religious values in Egyptian society,” which displays what values and their role in the reform of the individual and society, as the researcher in this chapter exposure to the source of the values and the evolution of its inception, and this chapter is to clarify the role played by social institutions in instilling values religious individuals in the community, particularly young people, and through the periods spent by the young in those social institutions, such as the family and the faculty and the media, then the researcher concludes this chapter offer for its religious values of an effect on young people in the aspects of the work. The fifth chapter, a ”youth and work culture.” In this chapter, the researcher presented the reality that live it young people these days, and then the problems facing this broad range within the community, and specifically to the problem of youth culture in particular as it takes work, and the problem of invasion of culturally and intellectually young, the problems of education, and the problem of social exclusion, and the problem of globalization and its impact on young people in the aspects of work values, then the researcher asking some religious values that should be displayed by the young people to perform the work required and that the progress and development happening in various fields, especially in the field of working face, this values are the work and importance of value, the value of mastering work, respect and appreciation of the value of work, the value of preservation of the working time, the value of the Secretariat to work, the value of legitimate earnings, the value of achievement at work. The Chapter VI, which deals with ”field study procedures,” which the field study is made, and to comment on the statistical tables and to develop appropriate conclusions for each table. Finally, Chapter VII which is ”to discuss the findings and recommendations”, and is this chapter: discuss the results of the study in the light of theoretical orientation, and discuss the results in light of the questions, and a comparison between the current study and previous studies in terms of results, and finally comes finale study to show the most important findings and recommendations of the study and references Arab and foreign, and then followed by the supplements for the study, a questionnaire and a guide case study, and a researcher of this study ends with a summary of great Arab and foreign language.