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Effect of some natural products and metronidazole on immunity against infection with entamoeba histolytica in mice /
Kadhim, Suha Jawad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سها جواد كاظم
مشرف / محمد فتحي أبوالنور
مشرف / شاديه فريد حماده
مناقش / طوسون على مرسى
مناقش / أحمد على على مصباح
Mirazid. Cytokines. Metronidazole. Entamoeba histolytica.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
122 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - Department of Zoology.
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Amoebiasis or specifically amoebic dysentery is a protozoan parasitic disease caused by the protozoan pseudopodial parasite Entamoeba histolytica that affects the large intestine of mammals including man. The study was applied to experimentally infected mice. In the study 50 male albino mice were used and each of them weigh about 25-30 g, and were divided into 10 groups each containing five mice: the first group was the negative control group did not receive any infection or treatment. The second group the positive control group received 104 E. histolytica cysts by oral administration and received no treatment. The third group: is the experimental group was divided to two subgroups: I. The Prophylactic (protective) group: was divided into four groups as follow: P1 group: received garlic. P2 group: received ginger. P3 group: received mirazid. P4 group: received metronidazole. They start receiving two days before infection, they continue to receive them daily for twelve days post infection. II. The Treated group: was divided into four groups: T1 group: received garlic. T2 group: received ginger. T3 group: received mirazid. T4 group: received metronidazole. They start receiving one day after infection after that they continue to receive daily for two weeks post infection. A-positive Control group (infected non-treated group) from the stained Stool samples cysts of E. histolytica were present in the stool samples from day two of the infection till the end of the two weeks post infection and at the end of the experiment. Immunological investigations of the serum of the experimentally infected mice: A- IFN-gamma levels in sera of the infected non treated mice were greatly higher than that of the uninfected untreated group B- IL-5 levels in sera of the infected non treated mice were lower than that of uninfected untreated group. B-Experimental Protective (Prophylactic) groups: 1- from the stained Stool samples cysts of E. histolytica were disappeared and eradicated from the stool by day 9 post infection. Immunological investigations of the serum of the experimental protective group (protected, infected and treated mice groups):A- IFN-gamma levels in sera of the protected, infected and treated mice were significantly decreased in all the groups. B- IL-5 levels in sera of the protected, infected and treated mice were significantly increased in all the groups. C-Experimental Treatment groups: from the stained Stool samples cysts of E. histolytica were disappeared by day 9 post infection in all the experimental treated groups. Immunological investigations of the serum of the experimental treated group (infected and treated mice groups): A- IFN-gamma levels in sera of the infected and treated mice were significantly decreased in all the groups. B- IL-5 levels in sera of the infected and treated mice were significantly increased. In the present study, the antiparasitic treatment in mice infected with E. histolytica produced a significant increase in IL-5 serum levels, while caused a significant decrease in IFN-γ levels of the treated groups as shown above. confirming the role of IFN- γ and IL-5 as important cytokines and could be considered as the key cytokines in both arms of immunity mechanisms the innate and the adaptive immunity during the E. histolytica infection. In the present study, all the groups of mice infected with E. histolytica cysts and treated with garlic, mirazid, ginger and metronidazole indicated significant improvements during the treatment period as shown by the stool analysis and the alteration in the immune response by the levels of both important cytokines IL-5 and IFN-γ .