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Wies procedure versus Jones Procedure in surgical correction of Acquired lower eyelid involutional Entropion /
Allam, Mona Mohammed Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منى محمد محمد علام
مشرف / هدى محمد كامل السبكي
مناقش / سامح سعد مندور
مناقش / هدى محمد كامل السبكي
Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures. ophthalmology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
119 p. :
طب العيون
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - طب العيون
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid margin turns in against the eyeball. Involutional entropion is one of the most common lower eyelid malpositions in the elderly.
Factors thought to play a role in the development of involutional entropion are dehiscence of lower eyelid retractors, overriding of preseptal orbicularis oculi muscle over the pretarsal part, horizontal lid laxity and enophthalmos but it has not been shown to be a significant factor.
Laxity of lower eyelid retractors is the primary cause of the involutional lower eyelid entropion. Several clinical clues are present to indicate disinsertion of the retractors.
Entropion grades depend on the degree of the in turning of the lid.
Wies procedure is a full thickness horizontal incision that disinserts all attachments of the lower eyelid at the level of the inferior border of the tarsus. This defect is then repaired to transfer the eversion effect of the lower eyelid retractors to the anterior lamella of the remaining lid margin bridge flap.
Jones procedure is plication of lower eyelid retractors by a direct approach.
This study included 30 patients (31 eyes) with involutional lower eyelid entropion. They were divided according to the line of management into two groups;
group A: Wies procedure was performed
Included 15 patients (16 eyes)
The age of the patients ranged from 60: 75 years with a mean age of 66.1±5.3 years.
Only one case was bilateral.
6were males (40%) and 9 were females (60%).
Hematoma in the lower eyelid region occurred in 2 cases (14.3%).
Under correction occurred in one case (7.1%).
Edema occurred in 2 cases (14.3 %) .
Recurrence occurred in one case (7.1%)
No overcorrection occurred.
No ugly scars .
During the follow up period (6 months), 12 cases were successful (85.7%), 2 cases were missed and 2 cases (14.3%) were unsuccessful (one was under correction and the other was recurrence).
group B: Jones procedure was performed
Included 15 patients (15 eyes)
The age of the patients ranged from 60: 70 years with a mean age of 64.8±3.5 years.
All cases were unilateral.
5 were males (33.3%) and 10 were females (66.7%).
Hematoma occurred in 1 case (6.7%).
No under correction occurred in any case .
Edema occurred in 1 case (6.7%).
No recurrence occurred.
Overcorrection occurred in 1 case (6.7%). The sutures were removed, overcorrection still found.
No ugly scars .
The successful and unsuccessful outcome :
During the follow up period (6 months), 14 cases were successful (93.3%) and only one case (6.7%) was unsuccessful (overcorrection occurred)
Regarding the study advantages;
This study corresponded to other studies in that Jones procedure is more likely successful, cosmetically accepted and satisfied by patients.
Regarding the study disadvantages;
It did not correspond to other studies in the post-operative overcorrection incidence in both procedures. This may be due to smaller number of patients of our study in comparison with Boboridis K et al retrospective study.
Also, small number of patients, short time of follow up and unsatisfied patients with need for further surgical interference (2ndry procedures).
So, we recommend doing a another study with a larger number of patients and a longer follow up duration selecting the cases from different hospitals cooperating through certain uniform workup method.