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Micro-shear bond strength of resin composite bonded with different universal adhesive systems to dentin :
Yahya, Abd Ul-Hakim Nouri Rajab.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبدالحكيم نوري رجب يحيى
مشرف / نادية محمد محمد زغلول
مشرف / تامر محمد الشهاوي
مناقش / نادية محمد محمد زغلول
Mouth - Diseases. Dental surveys. Dental Care.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
82 p. :
طب الأسنان
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية طب الأسنان - قسم جراحة الفم.
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This study was intended to compare the micro-shear bond strength (µ-SBS) of three different universal adhesive by two different application techniques (etch-and-rinse,self-etch). Evaluate fracture pattern of the tested adhesive systems and techniques.Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty extracted molar teeth were fixed in epoxy resin.The occlusal surface of each tooth was ground flat to the dentin level.The prepared teeth were divided into two groups according to etching technique i.e, Self-etch technique and Etch-and-Rinse technique.Each group was further subdivided into these subgroups according to adhesive systems.The Micro-shear Bond Strength (µSBS) was measured using universal testing machine and the fracture pattern also was evaluated and examined under Stereomicroscope. Data analysis was performed.Result:The two-way ANOVA statistical analysis of the collected data showed that both adhesive and technique had a significant effect on μSBS. from Duncan’s results,it was clarified that in case of E&R technique, there was no significant difference between Single Bond Universal and Tetric N-Bond Universal.Also, there was no significant difference between Tetric N-Bond Universal and All Bond Universal, while there was a significant difference between Single Bond Universal and All Bond Universal. In case of SE technique, There was a significant difference between Single Bond Universal and Tetric N-Bond Universal. On the other hand, μSBS results of All Bond Universal had no significant difference with that of both Single Bond Universal and Tetric N-Bond Universal.Also from Duncan’s results, It was found that adhesive technique (E&R and SE) had a significant effect on μSBS results of all adhesives except Tetric N-Bond Universal. Conclusion: The use of Etch & Rinse technique with universal adhesives dependent on the chemical bonding significantly impair their bonding to dentin.