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Analysis of smart grid techniques for renewable energy integration :
El-Afifi, Magda Ibrahim Fathi Ibrahim.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ماجدة ابراهيم فتحى ابراهيم العفيفى
مشرف / مجدى محمد السعداوى
مشرف / عبدالفتاح على العدل
مناقش / جمال الدين علي
مناقش / صبحي عبدالقادر
Energy Hub. Combined heat and power. PV energy. Power-to-gas. Energy storage. Electrical Engineering.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
146 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الهندسة - الهندسة الكهربية
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Today’s common energy systems such as: natural gas, electricity and district heat are mostly arranged and worked independently. Influenced by different reasons such as energy consumptions growth, researchers suggest integrating these energy systems with different energy carriers rather than concentrating on a single one. Integration of the various energy carriers establishes a coupling of the corresponding energy flows produced by system interactions. Working with these phenomena requires development of tools for integrated analysis of multi-energy systems that have recently become a new area of research.This thesis provides a general framework for steady state model and the optimization of energy systems containing different energy carriers. The complete model of the system contains the conversion, storage and transfer of various energy carriers. The integration of different infrastructure is taken into consideration depending on the concept of ‘‘energy hubs’’. Using this concept, many optimization problems for various energy carrier’s integration are introduced. In order to determine the optimal operation of the system, proposals for multi-energy carriers optimal dispatch and optimal power flow have been submitted. A general optimally condition for optimal dispatch of multiple energy carriers is derived and compared with the standard approach of power grids and natural gas networks. Also, a novel technique for optimum operation and configuration of multiple energy hubs is proposed. Models are presented in a number of applied examples, showing their basic characteristics and effectiveness.Thesis Outline Chapter 1: This chapter introduce general introduction about the thesis.Chapter 2: In this chapter, the basic concepts of EHs are introduced. The hub elements, applications, benefits, and challenges are discussed. The hub types are then presented. The chapter ends with a literature review surveys the published papers relevant to the scope of the thesis.Chapter 3: In this chapter, EH communication technologies and requirements are discussed. Advanced communication networks and energy hub communications standards are introduced. The requirements of energy hub communications are reported. Finally, future trends in communication systems for EH applications are explored.Chapter 4: This chapter demonstrates the idea of energy hubs through a series of examples. The chapter introduces a general modelling and optimization approach for power dispatch and conversion in energy systems including different energy carriers. Different structures of energy hubs are studied to get the optimal structure of the hub. Four case studies are discussed including a base case without any hub, a hub with CHP generator, a hub with CHP and heat exchanger, and finally a hub with CHP, heat exchanger, and furnace. The results are reported and analyzed.Chapter 5: This chapter presents a proposed technique for optimum operation and configuration of multiple energy hubs. The proposed EH is composed of different types of energy sources and generation with multi-type of energy storage devices to feed electrical, heating and gas demands. A multiobjective mathematical model is developed to minimize both the operation cost of the system and the CO2 emissions and to maximize the benefits obtained by energy consumers. The overall problem is solved using Genetic Algorithm to find the energy produced in a power plant with both minimum fuel costs and minimum emission levels, simultaneously, while satisfying the load demand and operational constraints. The uncertainties of both wind and PV energy resources are considered in the proposed model. Newton-Raphson method is used to solve the problem of heat and gas flow to determine the state variables and check the systems constraints. The proposed optimization technique is programmed in MATLAB environment. Five cases were studied to indicate the impacts of RES, SDs, and P2G on the operation of EH. The proposed algorithm is validated by comparing the obtained results with two other systems reported in the literature. A comparative analysis of the studied cases is performed based on a number of indices such as voltage, power losses, pressure, and temperature for different cases at specific points. Chapter 6: presents the thesis conclusion and the suggestions for future work.