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Effect of Implementing a Training Program on the
Performance of Primary School Teachers Regarding
Disaster Management in Al Malikeyeh–Syria =
Abozeed, Basem Essa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / باسم عيسى ابو زيد
مشرف / زكيه توما طعمه
مشرف / امينه احمد محمد
مناقش / نازك عبد الغنى
مناقش / سحر سليمان
Community Health Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
123 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Community Health Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Disasters are unpredictable events that kill and affect negatively people life, destroy
properties and disrupt environment. Disasters also vary in terms of the extent of their
effects. Individuals can react with the same disaster in different ways, depending on their
age, cultural background, health status, social support structure, and general ability to adapt
to disasters. The effects of disasters on schools can be disruptive. Because the children are
unable to act on their own in such situations, in addition to their inability to adapt to what
is caused by disasters and painful observations that may negatively affect their lives in the
near and long term.
Education for disaster management is a trans-disciplinary action aimed to
developing knowledge, skills and attitudes at all levels. Considering that the majority of
children have much more close contact with the teachers in schools more than the health
team members. Therefore the primary school teachers are the best channel to activate and
empower children for active health education and action for health; so teachers must be
aware of disaster management in schools and gain knowledge and implement safety
practices in school environment. This strategy has proved its long term efficiency. School
children and their teachers are some of the most receptive group to disaster management
education and training. These children, in turn share this valuable education with family
and community.
In Syria, there is an urgent need to implement disaster management programs in
schools. The country in a multi-faceted disaster for more than seven years. The impact on
the education sector has been very bad. Thousands of schools have been destroyed,
hundreds of students have been killed and more than 2 million have been out of schools. In
addition to, there is a lack of programs related to dealing with disasters. so, this study was
School safety is very important concern. Every school and community must take it
seriously and strive continuously to achieve the highest safety in all schools. Every school
is unique by virtue of its teachers, students, location and culture. Teacher’s role is very
important in mitigating the hazards and disasters in schools. The teacher who is aware of
disasters and its management can improve thier practices successfully.
Aims of the present study are to: Assess the actual performance of the primary
school teachers of Al Malikeyeh regarding disaster management. In addition to develop
and implement training program about disaster management and to evaluate the
effectiveness of implementing the training program on the performance of primary school
teachers in Al Malikeyeh regarding disaster management.
A quasi experimental designed was used to conduct this study. The studied sample
in the current research composed from 78 primary school teachers they were selected
randomly from 6 schools in Al- Malikeyeh sub-district, first three were selected for the
study group and the other three representing the control group. Thirteen teachers were
chosen from each school.
Tools for data collection:
Two tools was used to collect the required data for the study
Tool (I): Teacher’s knowledge and practice about disaster management structured
interview questionnaire:
This tool was developed by the researcher based on literature review, it consisted of
three parts:
Part I- socio demographic characteristics
It included the following data such as name, age, sex, degree of education, years of
teaching experience, previously exposed to actual disaster, attended previous program
related to disasters.
Part II- knowledge of teachers about disaster management, it included basic concepts
of disaster management.
Part III- practice of the teachers in relation to the disaster management.
Tool (2): Observation checklist of school disaster management plan
It was developed by the department of education and early childhood development,
State Government of Victoria, Australia in August 2013. it includes two parts:
Part A: school name, district, number of students, average per class, aspects of physical
school environment (building, playground, stairs, classrooms, drinking water, ventilation,
food, traffic and transport. etc…….
Part B: Emergency management plan (EMP) Checklist.
- Tools were tested for validity and reliability
- Content validity of the study tools was tested by exposing it to a group of experts‘
comments (jury) 5 experts, internal consistency reliability (coefficient alpha) was
applied to test reliability of tool (I), it was 0.81.
- Approval of the director of Education Directorate in Al-Hasaka governorate was
obtained, the director of each school was informed about the date & time of data
collection to obtain their consent.
- A Pilot study was carried out on a sample of (7) primary school teachers, those
teachers not included in the study sample.
Actual field work; It consisted of four phases:
1- The preparatory assessment phase:
- Pretest for both study and control groups were conducted using (tool I) to assess the
knowledge and practice of primary school teachers regarding disaster management
for all the study subjects.
2- Developmental phase:
The program was developed and its steps and methodology was planned to study
group. It has overall objectives as well as set of specific objectives for each of the
following 6 sessions;
- The first session included Introduction to Disaster and its management:
- The second session covered elements of disaster management and it procedures
- The third session contained: basics of evacuation and search
- The fourth session included the First aid procedures for the most
- The fifth session discussed the safety procedures for the school and the community’s
role in disaster management.
- The sixth session: practical application about disaster management aspects.
3- Implementation phase:
- The training program was carried out in a meeting room or class room according to
availability to encompass a group of 13 teachers.
- The program was implemented to the study group in the form of six
sessions according to their available time with range one session per two weeks for
each group. The session took two hours with a break for 10 minutes.
- The researcher used different teaching methods as demonstration and discussion,
examples, brain storming, teaching aids as data show and visual materials, handout
and role playing.
4- Evaluation phase:
Evaluation was conducted immediately post and three month after program for both
study and control groups to determine the effect of the program on the knowledge and
practice of primary school teachers by using teacher’s knowledge and practice about
disaster management structured interview questionnaire (tool I).
Data was collected by the researcher then coded, fed to PC and analyzed; the SPSS
(version 20) was used. Appropriate descriptive and analytical statistics were carried out.
The main results yielded by this study were:
I- Socio-demographic characters of teachers
 The age of the studied group ranged between 23 and 53 years with a Mean of age
32.30±7.15 while in the control group ranged between 24 and 51 years with a Mean
of age 31.87±6.46 years. Additionally more than half of studied group (56.4 %) was
females, while the percentage of females in control group was (46.2%).
 For income level the biggest percent of studied group were not enough (79.5%), and
also in control group (82.1%).
 about half of control group (48.7%) had University degree while the percentage
were (43.6%) in studied group, while (43.6%) of the teachers in the studied group
had diploma and (38.5 %) in control group in addition to (12.8%) of both groups
had high diploma.
 Less than half (43.6%) in studied group had 6 to 10 years as teaching experience
while (38.5%) in control group.
 More than half (53.8%) of teachers witness disaster previously in studied group and
(51.3%) in control group.
 Less than quarter (23.1%) of control group witnessed shooting, while the
percentages were (15.4%) in study group, whereas (15.4%) of studied group witness
bombing and (23.1%) in control group.
 More than half of studied and control groups (56.4%, 59.0%) did not attend
training. about (30.8%) of studied group attended training about first aid, while
(15.3%) in control group.
II- Assess knowledge and practice of primary school teachers at pre-program
 More than one third of teachers in the study and control groups (35.8%, 40.9%
respectively) had good knowledge about disaster management.
 More than two quarters of teachers in the study and control groups (69.2%, 79.5%
respectively) had unsatisfactory practice regarding disaster management.
III- The effect of implementing a training program on school teacher’s performance:
- Regarding teacher s knowledge about disaster management; there a statistical
significant deference of change of the total score in study group was funded
between pre, post and three months after program (Z= 17.25, P = 0.001). While, no
significant deference of change of the total score in control group was founded
between pre, post and three months after program within control group (Z = 2.03, P
= 0.107).
- a statistical significant improvement in the study group were found about all
knowledge’ aspects scores which include causes and nature of disasters, effects of
disasters, disaster risk identification and assessment, disaster risk reduction,
preparedness, response-rescue and relief, and first Aid skills and safety on the
immediate post program and three months after program, as well as no statistical
significant improvement in the study group founded about all knowledge’ aspects
- The training program caused a statistical significant (Z=18.9, P=001) improvement
about disaster management practice; but this effect was not seen in control group
(Z= 3.01, P=0.065).
- a statistical significant improvement in the study group was found about all
practice’ aspects scores which include: evacuation, search and rescue, basic
selected first aid skills, fire safety, security measures and information
disseminating on the immediate post program and three months after program. As
well as no statistical significant improvement in the study group founded about all
practice’ aspects scores.
IV- Relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of study subjects and
knowledge & practice mean difference.
 no statistical significant associations between teacher’s socio-demographic
characteristics expect age group and knowledge mean score in the both groups
during study three stages, while found statistical significant relations between
knowledge and age groups score (more knowledge score) in study (P =0.01,
P=0.03, P=0.045 respectively) and control (p= 0.048, p=0.032 and 0.021
respectively).groups during period of program .
 No statistical significant associations between socio-demographic characteristics
and mean deference of practice of school teachers in the study and control groups
during different period of program.
V- Relation between knowledge and practice in study group.
The finding of current study revealed that there were statistically significant positive
correlation between knowledge and practice for the study group throughout the study
According to the previous conclusion, the following recommendations were
1. Develop comprehensive standardized national preventive strategies for achieved
safety measures in the schools.
2. Ensure structural integrity of school buildings, use safe building materials, and
health protective renovation procedures.
3. Government must begin universal access to basic education about disaster
4. Establish a comprehensive plan for disaster preparedness, strengthening capacities
for disaster risk reduction and developing skills for making communities are ready
to deal with crises at any time.
5. Revise curricular to include all recent information on disaster management in the
schools so that students will prepare for future disasters.
6. Each school must prepare their own School Disaster Management Plan and must be
updated on regular basis.
7. Include community partners such as local government, police department, fire
department and public health agencies in planning.
8. Identify and obtain equipments for mitigate and respond to emergencies
9. School authority should put on show all the important telephone numbers as
ambulance, fire, polices etc. at prominent places of the school
10. Training programs and workshops about disaster issues should be organized for the
school teachers and key teams on regular basis by used a variety of educational
methods e.g. video learning, on line learning, games etc.
11. Encourage student to share in the committee as Red Crescent and allow them to
express their suggestion.
12. Awareness campaigns about disaster management issues should be implementing
with employing mass and social media technologies.
13. Similar study can be conducted among school students, college students, and.