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استخدام بعض أساليب الإحصاء التربوي في ضبط جودة رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه بكليات التربية :
خليفة، السيد السيد العربي إبراهيم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / السيد السيد العربي إبراهيم خليفة
مشرف / مهنى محمد إبراهيم غنايم
مشرف / على عبد ربه حسين
مناقش / على صالح جوهر
مناقش / أشرف السعيد أحمد محمد
ضبط الجودة. الإحصاء التربوى. إدارة الجودة الشاملة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
305 ص. :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - قسم أصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 305

from 305


The current study aimed at controlling the quality of the educational statistics methods used in theses (master’s and doctorate), in the Department of (Fundamentals of Education), Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, and the extent of their relevance to the nature of theses. The study used the descriptive approach (content analysis), and the study tool was to design a collection form Data (content analysis); scientific theses (master’s, doctorate), to evaluate the statistical methods used in those theses, and the study sample consisted of (138) master and doctoral theses, including: (79) master theses, and (59) doctoral theses, were chosen The study sample was intended, and the study found: height The level of researchers ’performance in determining the study questions appropriate to the title of the study, by 100% in master’s and doctoral theses, and the researchers’ performance in determining appropriate measurement levels by 30.56% in master’s theses, and by 44.23% in doctoral theses, and the high level of researchers ’performance in selecting appropriate curricula for the nature of Study by 92% in master’s theses, by 93.65% in doctoral theses, and by the appropriate level of researchers ’performance in determining the appropriate study population by 61.11% in master’s theses, and by the poor level of researchers’ performance by 51.92% in doctoral theses, and by the high level of researchers ’performance in determining h M sample study appropriate to the size of the society and the nature of the study by 84.72% in master’s theses, and by 88.46% in doctoral theses, and the poor level of performance of researchers in determining the nature and type of the appropriate study sample, by 17.57% in master’s theses, and by 14.55% in doctoral theses, and the high level Researchers’ performance in determining the appropriate study tools, by 94.87% in master’s theses, and by 91.80% in doctoral theses, and the poor level of researchers ’performance in determining educational statistics methods appropriate to the nature of the study, by 54.27% in master’s theses, and by 55.45% in doctoral theses, and recommended The study of the necessity of teaching Statistics Inferential Parametric and Parametric Study for more than one semester for postgraduate students (masters and PhD), determining study variables and their level of measurement in educational research, determining the study community appropriate to the nature of the study, identifying the study sample appropriate to the study community, and determining the type of study sample appropriate to the number and sizes of study samples And, to determine the appropriate statistical methods for the study variables and the level of their measurement, and the number and sizes of study samples, and that each university conduct training courses for faculty members and postgraduate students (masters and doctorate) in the field of statistical analyzes Environment, developing the skills of graduate students in the use of statistical software packages MINITAB, SAS, SPSS and other programs that help researchers and faculty members in analyzing their educational dissertation data, and training graduate students (masters and doctorate) to analyze their dissertation data themselves, and provide statistical books Useful and modern college colleges.