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The Development of Travellers’ Services in Nineteenth Century Egypt /
Fowzy, Fatma Mohamed Amin.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فاطمة محمد امين
مشرف / دعاء عادل قنديل
مناقش / رشا كامل سليمان
مناقش / رشا كامل سليمان
Tourism - egypt. Aeronautics - egypt.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
xiv, ا - د , 2015 p. :
علم الآثار (الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة حلوان - كلية السياحة والفنادق - الارشاد السياحى
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Travel services had started in Egypt long before the nineteenth century. They could be traced back to the Islamic era. Egypt still houses buildings that served foreign traders and travellers such as hotels, inns, wekalat, and qisaries, in which merchants and travellers resided with
their goods inside cities. While outside cities, there were water wells scattered on trade routes to provide travellers with water. Besides, rulers paid much attention to paving roads and
marking mileage, as well astransferring travellers via sea on vessels.
The nineteenth century had witnessed a great development in all aspects of life especially when it came to tourist services. These services were wide-ranged between accommodation services and transportation ones. This development was the result of several factors whether.’political, cultural or social ones in addition to the outbreak of the great industrial revolution in
Europe that had also played a crucial role in this development. The century had witnessed also a flow of foreigners to Egypt especially after the departure of the French expedition which drew attention to Egypt in the late eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century.
On realizing the increase In numbers of Europeans visiting Egypt, Muhamed Ali pasha developed the services offered to transit travellers in particular. Shortly after, his successor
Abbas I, introduced the railways to Egypt to consolidate his relation with Great Britain that wished to speed up the transportation of its troops and cargos to its Indian colonies. This was
also accompanied by extending telegraph lines. Not only the land transportation means were developed but also other navel projects were undertaken. The construction of the Suez Canal
led to the development of naval transportation means not only in Egypt but worldwide. The project had started during the reign of Said pasha and was completed during the reign of
Khedive Ismail.
Generally speaking the European interest in Egypt started since the sixteenth century and continued to grow across the nineteenth century. In fact, the major European powers had
developed colonial ambitions in Egypt over centuries and achieved partly their target via travellers. Those travellers.whether artists, writers or explorers described everything they saw
in their diaries. This was meant to help other travellers who would later vis it Egypt especially for tourism. These diaries formed the beginning of modern guidebooks. At the same time.