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دور الحملات الاعلامية المتعلقة بقضايا المراة فى تشكيل معارف واتجاهات المراة المصرية :
ابوالغيط، ايه عاطف عبدالعزيز.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ايه عاطف عبدالعزيز ابوالغيط
مشرف / محمد سيد عتران
مشرف / هدى الدسوقي
مناقش / مروة السيد السعيد
مناقش / فؤاد عبدالمنعم البكري
مواقع التواصل لاجتماعي. قضايا المرأة. المرأة - اعلام. المرأة - جوانب نفسية. المرأة - جوانب اجتماعية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
305 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم الاعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 321

from 321


Summary of the study in English : Introduction: In recent times, women’s issues have occupied a large space during reform and change agendas, whether they are internal or external. Women issues in all fields are no longer a local matter, but rather have become one of the components of modern plans for the foundations of human development around the world. Observers of the reality of women-related issues must stop at a number of negative indicators that reflect the phenomenon of the marginalization of women to a number of social factors related to cultural heritage, political and other economic, educational factors and so on, in addition to factors specific to women themselves represented in women’s lack of awareness of their rights Many men ignored those rights, and despite the fact that the Noble Qur’an has shown the rights of women in a way that cannot be disputed and discussed, and honored them with an indisputable honor, and granted them what preserves their dignity and status within society, and raised them from the low status in the Jahiliyya, and gave them their right to inherit and enjoy health and participation In social life and so forth, she faces many issues that affect her rights.The media has been keen from an early age to keep pace with these concerns and to provide materials that suit their needs and requirements, and help in performing their roles, and even specialized magazines have been issued, and radio and television programs have been presented that deal with women’s affairs and their concerns, and the levels of media interest in women’s issues have varied. Women’s issues and affairs are concerns of the elites concerned with this in their evaluation of the roles and efforts that women have made during the recent period, and the media campaigns that women have led on, and related to discussing their issues.