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Treatment of genu valgum by percutaneous transverse metaphyseal osteotomy of distal fe-mur in children and adolescents /
Joseph Salah Farah ,
Joseph Salah Farah
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
195 P. :
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The Heuter-Volkmann principle indicates that compression and tension forces at the physis can cause physeal growth inhibition and acceleration, respectively. Thus, more severe angular deformities produce greater compression on the 2short3 side of the physis, slowing growth; increasing the deformity. Persistence of angular deformities of the knee(s) results in mechanical axis deviation, gait disturbance, joint instability, and activity related pain. By restoring the mechanical axis and correcting gait abnormalities, the physes are spared cumulative damage and may actually respond surprisingly well. Clinical and radiological assessment is crucial to determine the site of deformity and its cause