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Marginal accuracy of machinable monolithie zirconia laminate veneers /
Aldafeeri, Hamed Ratham.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حامد بن رثام الظفيرى
مشرف / محمد حامد عبدالله غازى
مشرف / وليد عبدالغفار الزردق
باحث / حامد بن رثام الظفيرى
Fixed prosthodontics. Crown preparation.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
128 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية طب الأسنان - قسم الإستعاضة السنية المثبتة
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”Cosmetic dentistry lias become one of the main areas of dental practice and growth for several years. Recently, the main reason for applying restorative dental materials is not only to restore dental tissues lost because of caries or trauma, but also to correct the form and color of teeth for social acceptance. Smile design not only means designing teetli, but also creating a smile that truly complements tlie patient’s face and personality. Following this philosophy, recreating a smile need not be limited to the anterior teeth, but may extend to include tie posterior teeth.2 Crown preparation involves significant removal of tooth structure and may cause puljal irritation and irreversible pulpitis. While laminate veneers are more conservative tlian crowns and maintain the biomechanics of tlie original tootli witli a similar stress distribution and a success rate of approximately 93% over 15 years of clinical use. The most frequent failure modes associated with laminate veneers are fracture and debonding. Fractures of laminate veneers represented 67% of the total failures of sucli restorations over a peiiod of 15 years of clinical performance. Tlie dental profession continues to advance in cosmetic restorations that are highly estlietic, strong, and consei’vative. Zirconia has proven to be an excellent clioice in esthetic/restorative dentistry but its bond to tooth structure lias been minimal. Bonding of zirconia is now dependable using surface adliesive primer, wliicli allows tlie use of veneers with tliis material