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برنامج قائم علي الأنشطة الإثرائية الحركية لتنمية بعض المفاهيم الطبوغرافية لدي طفل الروضة من (5-6) سنوات /
عطية، سوزي عطية محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سوزي عطية محمد عطية
مشرف / صلاح الدين عبدالقادر
مشرف / هااـة يحيـى حجـازى
مشرف / غادة المحـلاوي
مناقش / صديقة على أحمد يوسف
رياض الاطفال. الاطفال تعليم.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
209 ص. :
علم النفس التربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية النوعية - رياض الأطفال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 236

from 236


The early childhood stage is one of the most important stages that a person goes through in the formation and formation of the child’s personality. During it, habits, traditions, and trends are formed, and tendencies and preparations grow.
The child acquires a lot of social, mental, physical, emotional and motor skills that help him build and develop his personality and develop his motor performance to achieve comprehensive and appropriate growth.
The child enjoys repeating any work so that he can master it and succeed in it, and he does not get tired of doing it, so those around the child should train him to acquire sensory, motor, social and cognitive skills, which will help him in self-reliance in the future and enable him to benefit from his ability and capabilities. (Enas Khalifa, 2003:45)
Concepts are considered one of the aspects of learning through which facts and information are collected and reorganized so that they share essential characteristics that fall into categories that have meaning, and the individual’s learning of concepts leads to accurate and effective communication with others, so it has become necessary to pay attention to learning concepts at an early age while providing Appropriate educational environment and different diverse activities, as it should (Ahmedshalby, 2007:25).
Therefore, it is important that the curriculum includes targeted educational activities and teaching aids necessary to learn the main topographical concepts, to which sub-concepts are related that grow and increase as the depth of the main concept increases
Topographical concepts are one of the concepts that must be developed in the child, which helps him to identify the surrounding places of bodies and buildings, and to acquire skills and directions that help in dealing with the society in which he lives and the weather variables that he is affected by, and thus he can draw a picture of the place in which he is located, including its natural manifestations. (Surface appearances - seasons of the year) or industrial (ways, means of connectors, bodies and buildings) and thus he can reflect on the different circumstances and avoid the dangers that he faces in the surrounding environment Jomaa. (Hughes & Devine, 2015),
The process of forming and developing concepts is a continuous process, and it varies in terms of its simplicity and complexity. The concept grows and develops as a result of the growth of knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary for us to reconsider the concepts that children learn, as the acquisition of basic concepts of science is one of the important goals of kindergarten, and then the process of defining concepts in general is The topography in particular, which is necessary for the kindergarten child, is very important, as the topographical concepts are closely related to the daily life of the child, so the kindergarten teacher must emphasize dealing with these concepts within the kindergarten . (Sahar Atef, 2019)
Motor activity is one of the best forms of play that the child practices by himself and by his desire, individually or collectively. Through it, the child can express himself and explore his abilities, which help him to feel successful, enjoy participation and self-confidence. (Dalal Fathi, 2006)
Motor activities are considered one of the elements that enhance the health and development of the child in the early childhood stage and provide valuable opportunities for the child to express himself and explore his abilities, and sometimes even define them the psychological, mental and cultural formation of the child. Through the practice of motor activities, the child discovers the world around him. Through play, children learn how to communicate their ideas to others and be more interactive with others
Motor activities are among the most educational activities that achieve the goals of the pre-school stage. Through them, children’s behavior can be modified and they can acquire a lot of skills and concepts that develop the educational, social and motor aspects. Caring for the motor aspect of the child has a great impact on achieving various aspects of growth,(Iman Gamal, 2015: 3)
Research problem:
Although the kindergarten stage is considered a fertile place through which concepts are developed in children, satisfying children’s love of curiosity and their passion for questioning and exploration, and then developing their concepts and orientations, kindergarten curricula lack enrichment activities. It was associated with teaching children facts and concepts related to topographical concepts, so the feeling of the problem came through the researcher’s observation of some kindergarten teachers during the supervision of practical education students and found that the teachers were interested in the concepts (mathematics - linguistic - scientific) and that geographical concepts were presented in a simplified way and differed from one teacher to another .
Verify this, the researcher conducted an exploratory study conducted on the children of the second level of kindergarten at (Ibn Khaldun Elementary) school, numbering (20) children, with the aim of determining the extent of children’s knowledge of some topographical concepts by asking some questions related to topographical concepts. The questions were as follows:
Mention the importance of the map in our lives?
What are the colors of the seas and rivers on the map?
 What is the use of the compass?
 Mention the names of the four directions?
 How many are the seasons of the year?
 Mention the names of the seasons of the year?
The survey showed that there is a weakness among children in many topographical concepts, and that most of the children’s information is from cartoon films, and that some information needs correction. Therefore, the problem of the study was the weakness of the children’s topographical concepts.
By reviewing the literature and educational research in the field of learning geography for kindergarten children, the researcher found that most studies were limited to developing geographical concepts for children in general and simplified, such as climate and environments, as in the study (Yasmin Al-Sayegh, 2014), (Sahar Atef, 2019).
(Yasser Abdel-Hady, 2014) (Nahed Shaaban, 2021) Hence, the researcher called for conducting a study to develop some topographical concepts for kindergarten children (5-6) years through designing a program based on motor enrichment activities, which is considered one of the favorite activities for the child in this stage.
Therefore, the study problem was identified in the following main question:
What is the possibility of developing some topographical concepts among kindergarten children (5-6 years) using a program based on motor enrichment activities?
from this main question the following sub-questions emerged:
1-What are the appropriate topographical concepts to be developed in kindergarten children?
2-What is the effectiveness of a program of motor enrichment activities to develop some topographical concepts for kindergarten children from (5-6) years?
Purpose of the study:
The current research aims to:
1-Developing some topographical concepts among kindergarten children (5-6 years old) using a program based on motor enrichment activities.
2-Identifying the effectiveness of the proposed program in developing some topographical concepts for kindergarten children from (5-6) years.
The importance of study:
The importance of the theoretical study is summarized in the following points:
 The importance of this age stage that the research deals with, as this stage in which different concepts are formed.
 Determine the topographical concepts that can be developed in kindergarten children (5-6) years.
 The insight of those in charge of education and those interested in childhood to the importance of motor enrichment activities in developing topographical concepts for kindergarten children (5-6) years.
 The possibility of generalizing the program and designing similar programs to develop topographical concepts for kindergarten children (5-6).
Raising awareness of kindergarten teachers of the importance of motor enrichment activities in developing topographical concepts for kindergarten children from (5-6) years.
Study hypotheses:
1- There is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the children of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the scale of topographical concepts as a whole, and in each concept separately, in favor of the children of the experimental group.
2- There is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the children of the experimental group in the pre and post applications of the scale of topographical concepts as a whole, and in each concept separately, in favor of the scores of the post application.
3- There is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the children of the experimental group in the post and follow-up applications of the scale of topographical concepts as a whole, and in each concept separately.
Study procedures:
Study methodology:
The researcher used the experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of the research, by using the two groups (experimental - control) with pre and post measurement.
Research sample:
The research community was chosen by the intentional method from the children of the kindergarten of Hoda Shaarawy Elementary School in Banha, Qalyubia Governorate, who numbered (50) boys and girls, and their ages ranged between 5-6 years in the second level of the kindergarten stage for the academic year 2020/2021.
The research sample of 50 children was divided into: an experimental group consisting of 25 children (10 males, 15 females), a control group consisting of 25 children (10 males, 15 females), and a first survey group consisting of 12 children (5 males, 7 females). It was used to find a coefficient of validity and stability to test the topographical concepts under study, and a second survey group consisting of 10 children (5 males, 5 females) was used to ensure the suitability of the program and scale for the research sample in terms of shape, clarity of images, colors, and the extent of difficulty.
Data collection tools:
 The man’s drawing test by Godanev, legalization of Fatima Hanafi 1983.
 Data registration form (prepared by the researcher).
 Scale of topographical concepts under study (prepared by the researcher).
 The proposed program (prepared by the researcher).
Statistical processing:
The program (spss) was used with the following statistical treatments:
 Arithmetic mean.
 Standard deviation.
 Skew modulus.
 T-test for the significance of the differences.
 Percentage.
1- There is a significant improvement in the development of topographical concepts after applying the proposed program
2- The use of enrichment activities stimulated children’s motivation towards education and thus the development of their concepts.
3- The use of motor activities associated with the program attracted children’s attention to practice activities and helped them increase their self-confidence.
4- The use of a program based on kinetic enrichment activities led to a clear progress in the development of topographical concepts in the experimental group in a better way than in the control group.
Suggested research:
In the light of the results of the current study, which demonstrated the effectiveness of a program based on electronic games accompanied by kinetic enrichment activities to develop some topographical concepts among kindergarten children, and in light of the theoretical framework and previous studies, the researcher suggests conducting other research such as:
1- The effectiveness of using electronic educational games to develop some historical concepts for kindergarten children in the light of the new curriculum.
2- An in-depth and analytical study of the programs offered to kindergarten children in the light of topographical concepts.
3- The effectiveness of using electronic games in developing the concepts of map reading for kindergarten children.
4- The effectiveness of using enrichment activities to develop some topographical concepts for kindergarten children.
5- The effectiveness of using motor activities in teaching geographical concepts to a pre-school child.