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Ultrasound Re-evaluation of Breast Lesions Detected by MRI and Initially Missed by Ultrasound /
Diab, Samia Mohamed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ساميه محمد عبدالقادر دياب
مشرف / محمد احمد الشطوري
مشرف / يارا حسنى خطاب
مشرف / يارا حسنى خطاب
Diagnostic Radiology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
119 P. :
الأشعة والطب النووي والتصوير
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الطب - Diagnostic Radiology
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US-MR coregistration technique is an accurate and feasible imaging technique which can significantly increase both the detection rate of additional enhancing lesions of the breast and the number of US-guided interventional procedures, which are preferable to MR-guided ones. Moreover, it is easier to perform, much less operator-dependent, and also comfortable for the patient because it does not require radiation and additional preparation. US-MR coregistration technique may become an important tool for second look which could also help operators to choose the most adequate treatment plan and patient management.
A cross sectional descriptive study design was used to re-evaluate breast lesions by second look US. and to compare between MRI results and second look US of different breast lesions. This study was carried out on 117 women with suspected breast masses or lesions, patients under follow up, patients underwent screening, also patients after surgery and after biopsies. Including women who had positive mammographic finding but not detected by US, women presented for abnormal nipple discharge under workup (intraductal lesions), women presented for radiological assessment who have positive family history, Post-operative patients, Post biopsy patients, and women with non-mass lesions.
Exclusion criteria included un cooperative patients, patients with breast carcinoma evident clinically, patients with absolute contraindication to MRI as (patients with claustrophobia :fear of enclosed spaces or anxiety, patients with the following implants: internal (implanted) defibrillator or pacemaker, some types of clips used for brain aneurysms& non MRI compatible prostheses, Patients refusing imaging by MRI after fully explaining the nature of the examination to them).