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بناء القصيدة فى شعر على محمود طه /
حمزة، مها أمين حسن محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مها أمين حسن محمد حمزة
مشرف / سمير السعيد حسون
مناقش / محمد محمد خليل الأخرش
مشرف / السيد نعيم شريف محمد ناصر
الأساليب الإنشائية. الصورة الشعرية. الأساليب الخبرية بناء القصيدة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
264 ص. :
اللسانيات واللغة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - اللغة العربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 264

from 264


”Literature is a fertile structure for developing linguistic and intellectual wealth and understanding meaning through the vitality of the word and the flow of feelings, which allows the reader to enjoy the beauty of the language and the magic of its expression, and the inspiration, shades and connotations that the words carry among them, which leaves an impression on himself, so he feels happy and satisfied. It has a role in shaping human culture and enhancing behavior. It is based on awareness, appreciation, and respect for oneself and others, and relies on it to form, deepen, and refine cultural identity, form the national spirit, form attitudes, and awaken enthusiasm, in addition to the human experiences it provides that increase one’s experiences, learn one’s linguistic wealth, and develop a sense of the beauty of language and the power of its influence. The vessel of literature is the literary texts that ancient scholars called the living material produced by the writer, which occupies an important place among the branches of knowledge and culture, and a special and essential place in programs for teaching Arabic language arts, in addition to developing students’ linguistic, intellectual, and expressive skills based on depth, understanding, criticism, and analysis. And deduction and contemplation to know the areas of beauty in idea, imagination, emotion and style. Applied rhetorical studies of the production of a poet are among the most important studies that inform the reader about the language of the era in which he lived, and the extent of development that occurred in linguistic uses. If the poets of the Renaissance era revived poetry and restored it to its previous era in the eras of prosperity in the Umayyad and Abbasid eras, they They were unable to innovate and achieve the essence and core except in rare cases. However, the poets of the renewal school were able to achieve an aspect of development and renewal.The poet Ali Mahmoud Taha achieved something of this innovation in wording and photography. He was innovative in his poetry, and it is clear that he dealt with the arts of rhetoric with skill and precision that is known only to the greatest poets. The rhetorical value of Ali Mahmoud Taha lies in the composed poetry he presented that reached the highest levels of eloquence. Eloquence, quality and mastery.