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Effect of Psycho-Educational Program on Perceived E-Learning Stress and Coping Strategies among Psychiatric Nursing Students at Beni-Suef University /
Abdullah, Asmaa Ahmed Rabie.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / أسمـــاء أحمـــد ربيــع عبد الله
مشرف / ا.د/ معالي ابراهيم المالكي
مشرف / ا.د/ جيهان احمد عابد ا.د/ جيهان احمد عابد
مشرف / ا.د/ صفاء دياب
مشرف / د/ سعيده السيد حسن
Psychiatric nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
107 p. :
الصحة العقلية النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض - التمريض النفسى والصحة النفسية
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Stress was the interaction between a demanding and challenging context and the individual’s perception of either being able to master or being overwhelmed by these challenges. Thus, not every person will perceive a situation as equally stressful. Individual skills and trait-like characteristics, such as high-general self-esteem, can buffer against experiencing stress in daily life, including high general self-esteem.
Stress was undoubtedly a part of students‟ lives and it may impact their ways of coping with the demands of university life (von Keyserlingk et al., 2022).
COVID-19 was the greatest challenge that educational systems have ever coped with. Many governments required educational institutions to switch, almost overnight, to online teaching and distance education. These the psychological status of the students since they changed their learning environment Both teachers and learners feel stress about e-learning mainly when adequate guidelines are not readily available. The need for knowledge for understanding the notions of the tough subject makes students more cynical (Daniel, 2020).
The purpose of the study was to:
Evaluate the effect of the psycho-educational program on perceived e-learning stress and coping strategies among psychiatric nursing students at Beni-Suef University.
Research hypothesis
• The students who receive psycho-educational counselling (study group) will have a lower level of perceived e-learning stress than those who don‟t receive the counselling (control group).
• The students who receive psycho-educational counselling (study group) will have a higher score in coping strategies and e-learning acceptance than those who don‟t receive the counselling (control group).
Research subject:
A purposive sample of 90 students of fourth-year students in the psychiatric nursing department at the Faculty of Nursing Beni-Suef University, who were Students of the psychiatric nursing department at faculty of nursing Beni-Suef university of both sex; Free from any history of psychiatric illness; or other chronic physical illness or neurological disorders because these illnesses may lead to depression and anxiety that could interfere with the results and agreed to participate in the study.
Research Design:
A quasi-experimental research design on two groups (study and control pre/ post-test) was used to achieve the purpose of the study.
Research Setting:
This study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing Beni-Suef University.
Instruments of data collection:
• Instrument I: Interview Questionnaire:
Socio-demographic interviewing sheet designed by the researcher, which includes items such as gender, place of residence and the financial status of parents and their education, the number of e-learning courses in this semester, number of e-learning courses in the previous semesters and availability of home internet, also number of a family member in education.
• Instrument II: Acceptance of e-learning scale (ELA):
It was adopted (Ngampornchai & Adams, 2016), It was a self-reported scale that measures university students’ acceptance of e-learning consisting of 18 items that have to be labelled 0-2 score, where 2 = never,1 = sometimes, 0= yes.
• Instrument III: The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS):
It was originally developed by (Cohen et al., 1994) and translated and modified by the researcher. PSS was the most widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of stress. The PSS was a 10-item question set that has to be labelled between 0-2 score, where 0 = never, 1 = sometimes, and 2= yes.
• Instrument IV: Coping with E-learning Problems Scale:
It was originally developed by Holahan & Moos (1987), then modified by Spitzberg & Copach (2008) and Hamby et al., (2013) and translated and modified by the researcher. It was a self-reported 4-point Likert scale consisting of 13 items that measure coping appraisal and behaviours for different concerns. Whereas it’s labelled 0-2 score, where 2 = never,1 = sometimes, 0= yes.
The main findings of the study revealed the following:
• Levels of E-learning Acceptance among Studied Subjects in Study and Control Groups Pre-Program indicate that more than half (51.1%) in the study group and about half (46.7%) of the control group have low e-learning acceptance, slightly above one-third of the study and the control groups (31.1%) and (31.1%) respectively have moderate acceptance, and less than one-quarter of the study and the control groups have high acceptance (17.8) and (22.2%) respectively.
• Levels of E-learning Acceptance among Studied Subjects (Study and Control Groups) Post-Program show that most of the studied subjects of the study group (88.9%) have high acceptance compared to less than a fifth (17.8) of the control group who have high acceptance.
• Levels of Perceived Stress from E-learning among Studied Subjects (Study and Control Group) Pre-program show that nearly one-quarter of the study group and control group have mild perceived stress(24.4%) and (22.2%) respectively. Nearly three-quarters (71.1%) of the study group has moderate stress and more than two third of the control group has moderate stress with no statistically significant difference between the study and the control groups.
• Levels of Perceived Stress from E-learning among Studied Subjects (Study and Control Group) Post Program show that there are highly statistically significant differences between levels of Perceived Stress from E-learning among (Study and Control Group) Post-Program.
where all the studied subjects of the study group (100%) has mild perceived stress compared with less than a quarter (22.2%) of the control group.
• Levels of Coping with E-learning Scale among Studied Subjects
(Study and Control Group) Preprogram indicate that more than two third of the studied subjects (study group and control group) have moderate coping (62.2%) and (68.9%) respectively. And a minority of the study group and the control group have high coping (8.9%) &(8.9%) respectively. There is no statistically significant difference between the Total score of Coping with E-learning among Studied Subjects (Study and Control Group) Pre-program.
• Levels of Coping with E-learning among Studied Subjects (Study and Control Group) Post Program indicate that there is a statistically significant difference between levels of Coping with E-learning among Studied Subjects (Study and Control Group) Post Program.
The majority of the study group (80%) have high coping compared with a minority (4.4%) only of the control group.
• There was a highly statistically significant increase in the total means score of e-learning acceptance immediately after psycho-educational nursing program in the study group compared to the control group.
• There was a highly statistically significant reduction of total means score of e-learning perceived stress immediately after psycho-educational nursing program in the study group compared to the control group.
• There was a statistically significant increase in the mean score of the coping strategies immediately after psycho-educational nursing program in the study group compared to the control group.
• There were highly statistically Significant Relations regarding the Mean Score of the E-learning Acceptance Scale, the Perceived Stress from the E-learning Scale, and the Coping with E-learning Problems Scale between the Study and the control groups Post-Program.
• There was a negative insignificant correlation between E-learning acceptance and perceived stress while a positive correlation between
E-learning acceptance and coping with E-learning problems.
There was a positive correlation between perceived stress from E-learning and coping with E-learning problems while post-program there was a positive insignificant correlation between perceived stress from E-learning and coping with E-learning problems.
• There was a negative significant correlation between E-learning acceptance and perceived stress from E-learning and a negative insignificant correlation between perceived stress from E-learning and coping with E-learning problems.
• There were no statistically significant Relations between Sociodemographic characteristics and Scores of the E-learning Acceptance Scale, Scores of Perceived stress from the e-learning, and Scores of coping with e-learning problems among the Studied Subjects of the study and the control groups Pre-program and post- program.
Based on the result of this study, it was concluded that:
The Psycho-educational nursing program have a positive effect on reducing stress and enhancing coping strategies among students with perceived e-learning stress. There is a significant reduction in the total mean score of perceived e-learning stress and an enhancement in the total mean score of coping strategies after the nursing psycho-educational counselling program among the study group compared with the control group.
1. Routine screening for perceived e-learning stress as a part of the educational process in the university Workshops about e-learning should be done to learn students about; how to use e-learning platforms, different methods of exams by using e-learning, common problems of e-learning and how to manage it.
3. The Psycho-educational nursing program to reducing perceived e- learning stress should become an integral part of the total management of perceived e-learning stress in the university. Which include assertiveness training and stress management such as aromatherapy, change of lifestyle to a healthy one, relaxations technique, exercise, meditation, yoga, Thi Chi, ....etc. are helpful attitudes towards reducing the stress effect resulting from e-learning and enhancing psychological well-being.
4. Availability of local support group runs by health professionals to help students cope with perceived e-learning stress.
5. Availability of online community support groups which enhance improving psychological well-being and coping mechanisms among students to cope with perceived e-learning stress and raising public awareness about it.
Further researches:
 This study should be replicated using a larger probability sample from different geographical areas to help with the generalization of the results.