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The role of lung ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in different pediatrics lung diseases in benha university hospital /
Hassan ,Hend Nabil Iraky.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هند نبيل عراقي حسن
مشرف / سها عبد الهادي الجندي
مشرف / حمـاده محمـد خاطـر
مشرف / هناء رمضــان عمـر
Lung Neoplasms pathology. Lung Neoplasms Ultrasonography.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
154 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
اتحاد مكتبات الجامعات المصرية - اطفال
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Lung diseases are the most common conditions in newborn infants and children and are also the primary causes of death in children younger than 5 years old. Therefore, accurate and timely diagnosis is extremely important in order to enable efficient treatment and improve the prognosis of patients with lung diseases. In the past, the diagnosis of lung disease mainly depended on chest radiography (CR) and/or computed tomography (CT).
Although chest X-ray is widely recognized as a crucial step in the diagnosis of lung diseases. This technique has several limitations and is not 100% sensitive or 100% specific. The limitations of chest X-ray in the diagnosis of lung diseases are more evident in some sites of care such as the ICU or emergency department.
In critically ill patients with a suspicion of different lung diseases, a precise evaluation sometimes is needed and referral for a computed tomography (CT) scan could be mandatory. During the last decade, diagnosis of Lung diseases by chest CT has become more common, although CT could be considered the ‘‘gold standard’’ technique in the diagnosis of Lung diseases, it cannot be used as a first-line radiological examination in all patients with suspected lung diseases, this is mainly due to the fact that it is often not available and that it involves a high radiation dose and is costly. The development of a noninvasive bedside technique such as lung ultrasound (LUS) is thus desirable.

Traditionally, it is considered that lung is not a target for an ultrasound because ultrasound wave cannot penetrate anatomical structures full of gas. With deepening recognization about ultrasound in recent years, the lung with diseases produces ultrasound artifacts result from the abnormal tissue/gas/tissue interface when ultrasound wave penetrate lung tissue. The ultrasound artifacts are the basis of lung ultrasonography (LUS) application in the clinic. Recently, LUS has been increasingly used for detecting lung diseases because of its bedside convenience, accuracy, and free of radiation.
However, the use of these imaging techniques is limited due to transportation and inevitable radiation. Ultrasound imaging is based on the reflection and scattering of ultrasound beam occurring at the interfaces between different media.
In the present work, we aimed at assessing the diagnostic validity of LUS in detecting different pediatric lung diseases diseases. This cross-sectional study included 120 participants presenting with symptoms and signs suggesting lung diseases, collected from Pediatric Department, Benha University Hospital. The average age of the participants is 5.27 years with a standard deviation of 2.21. The age range of the participants is between 2 and 12 years.
As regards gender distribution; 80 (66.67%) are male, and 40 (33.33%) are female. While as regards residency, 51 (42.5%) reside in urban areas, while 69 (57.5%) reside in rural areas. A total of 54 (45%) participants reported passive smoking habits and (12.5%) of patients had positive family history of lung diseases.