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Evaluation of the safety and the reliability of day case mini-PCNL in treatment of renal stones 1 to 2 cm/
Omar,Mohammed Abdelgawad
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد عبدالجواد عمر
مشرف / طارق مصطفي الزيات
مشرف / ضياء الدين محمود عبدالفتاح
مشرف / محمد سعيد سالم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
جراحة المسالك البولية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - Urology
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Background: Renal calculi are considered a widespread occurring health problem that affect both developed and developing countries. Despite the availability of various treatments, PCNL remains the gold standard in the treatment of renal stones especially those with higher densities that can resist ESWL.
Aim of the Work: In this study we aimed to assess the efficacy and the reliability of mini-PCNL in treating renal stones, together with its safety when it is performed as a day case procedure.
Patient and methods: A prospective, single armed study built on operating 35 patients with single renal stones, each was 1 to 2 cm in its maximum diameter, measured on preoperative C.T.U.T, and of density above 1000 I.U. they were operated by mini-PCNL technique.
Results: By analysing the data of the 35 patients, mini-PCNL has proved great efficacy concerning stone clearance (SFR =97%), significant decline in complication rates, and the ability to be performed as a day case procedure.
Conclusion: We can state that mini-PCNL can be performed as a day case procedure carrying the benefits of mini- PCNL being feasible, reliable, achieving high levels of SFR, with low incidence of complications. It can be considered an excellent option concerning blood saving and minimizing the need for blood transfusion.