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comparison between indirect haemagglutination test and enzyme/ linked immunosorbent assay for diagnosis of schistosomiasis
ali el-said ali,
ali,ali el-said
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ali el-said ali
مشرف / amal m.s el-ridi
مناقش / nabil nasr
مناقش / amal m.s el-ridi
تاريخ النشر
1986 .
عدد الصفحات
علم الأوبئة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - طفيليات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This study was performed on one hundred schistosomal patients
and 15 normal individual free from schistosomiasis that were selected
as a control. Cases were 25 S.haemotobium infected cases, 36 S.mansoni
infected cases and 39 mixed infection cases at various ages.
Clinical examination showed that 20 cases suffering from hepatosplenomegaly
beside other complaints.
Stool examination by simple sedimentation and egg count by thick smear
of kato technique were done for every mansoniasis case.
- Urine examination by simple sedimentation. Centrifugation and egg
count by filteration technique were done for every S.haematobium
infected case.
- Indirect haernagglur inar ion (IHA) technique was performed on sera
of schistosomal patients and control cases using S.mansoni worm
antigen with serial dilutions of sera.
- Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique on the same
samples of sera, using soluble egg antigen (SEA) of S.mansoni species
at optimal seral dilution.
from this study it might be concluded that :
1. Prevalence of S.mansoni infection was higher than S.haematobium
infection among population in the rural area ofSharkyia Governorate
2. Incidence of infection among ages 10-15 years was hi gher than
other ages.
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3- Intensity of egg count for schistosomes either in unne and or stool
was higher among ages 10 - 15 years. than other ages.
4- Sensitivity of IHA technique by using S.mansoni worm antigen was
48% of S.haematobium cases, 77% of S.mansoni cases, 79.5% of
mixed infection cases and 71% of total cases of schistosomiasis
Result difference between S.haematobium and S.mansoni cases was
significant change.
5- Sensitivity of ELISA technique by usmg SEA of S.mansoni were 92%
of :?.haematobium infected cases, 91.7% of S.mansoni infected cases.
94.6% of mixed infection cases and 93% of total cases of schistosomiasis.
Result di fference between S.haematobium and S.mansoni cases
was insignificant.
6- Both IHA and ELISA techniques gave false positive results but
specificity of ELISA technique was more than specificity of lHA
technique which need purification of used antigens.
7- Every case of hepatosplenomegaly was infected with S.mansoni which
may play an important role in pathogenesis of hepatosplenomegaly.
8- Sensitivity of ELISA technique among hepatosplenomegalic cases was
insignificant less than simple cases.
9- Mean titer of antibodies in sera against SEA of S.mansoni was
insignif icanrly higher in simple cases than hepatosphenomegalic cases.
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10- IHA and ELISA techniques were performed on sera of schistosoma!
young ages (less than 10 years) showed lower sensitivity than other
ages above 10 years.
11- Mean titer of antibodies against SEA of ~.mansoni in sera of patients
aged below 10 years was Jess than mean titer of antibodies at
patient ages above 10 years.
12- ELISA technique was more sensitive and specific than IHA technique
but reproducibility and ease of operation were the same in both